All key news for your business.
Ľubomíra Murgašová | 10.9.2024 | News
Jana Kyselová | 16.8.2024 |
Change in Meal Allowance Amounts again from 1 September 2024In connection with the continuing rise in the prices of meals and non-alcoholic…
Silvia Hallová | 25.7.2024 |
Konsolidácia verejných financií a boj proti daňovým únikomMinister financií Ladislav Kamenický a Jozef Kiss, prezident finančnej správy …
Silvia Hallová | 17.7.2024 |
Daňová správa pri firmách otočila: opäť sa primárne…Daniari sa pri kontrolách zameriavajú primárne na DPH aj napriek tomu, že pri…
Filip Tichý | 1.7.2024 |
AI will boost quality and efficiency (at the same time!)The authors of this article, Filip Tichý (Partner at Grant Thornton Slovakia)…
Filip Tichý | 27.5.2024 |
Artificial intelligence will dramatically streamline the…The authors of this article, Filip Tichý (Partner at Grant Thornton Slovakia)…
Silvia Hallová | 20.5.2024 |
Grant Thornton advises Continental on acquisition of mold…Continental has acquired the Slovak mould manufacturing specialist EMT Púchov s…
Ľubomíra Murgašová | 7.4.2024 |
Special scheme of VAT for travel agencies applies not only…Many VAT payers are not aware of the possibility that a special scheme for…
Andrea Vančíková | 3.4.2024 |
EMBRACING COLLABORATIVE LEADERSHIPDespite the stories of known sole leaders bringing disrupting changes into the…